The Case for TV as a Strategic Growth Driver

Did you know Airbnb began as just a couple of guys renting out air mattresses? Fast forward, and the brand’s a household name. A big part of that transformation? TV advertising. 

As a business leader, you have millions of things vying for your attention. Setting a strategic vision for your company. Attracting investors and building meaningful partnerships. Driving revenue growth. Why add TV advertising to that list? 

The answer is that TV isn't just another marketing tactic. It's a strategic tool that can drive real growth for your business—and help you accomplish the other items on your plate. If your goal is to steer the company toward sustainable growth and competitive advantage, TV advertising can help you get there. 

But only if senior leadership is truly aligned with marketing. McKinsey reports that 90% of CEOs believe they understand the benefits of marketing, but only 50% of CMOs share this view. Bridging this gap is crucial for making the most of your TV campaigns. 


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In this report, you’ll learn why TV matters, even to CEOs. 

  1. TV grows market share through mass reach. TV remains the most effective channel for reach due to its massive scale and visibility. In 2024, the average American spends over 5 hours a day consuming TV content across linear and streaming platforms. Total viewership is projected to hit 251 million this year. And why does reach matter? More reach gives you more chances to convert. More conversions mean greater share of market. 

  2. TV builds trust so your brand is purchased more. While 87% of business leaders believe consumers trust their company, only 30% actually do. This can cost brands severely, as research shows consumers spend more money on brands they trust. The good news? As one of the most trusted marketing channels, TV can help bridge the gap between you and your audience.

  3. TV improves perceived quality and pricing power. TV advertising creates a powerful, positive association with your brand, elevating perception and justifying higher prices. This pricing flexibility becomes a competitive advantage, allowing you to withstand market pressures and adjust pricing strategies confidently.

  4. TV grows revenue in both the short- and long-term. TV advertising strengthens brand awareness and generates measurable short-term sales results. According to a study by Comcast and MediaScience, TV ads result in 2.2 times higher ad recall than mobile ads. And according to WARC, it drives the greatest sales impact of any form of video advertising. 

  5. TV produces accountable, measurable results. TV's impact can be measured across micro, macro, and business levels. From immediate response to long-term shifts in brand recall and revenue growth, TV offers business leaders clear outcomes you can feel good about presenting to the board. 

How do I get the report? 

Download the full report here. Or listen to an AI audio overview produced by NotebookLM.