3 marketing lessons that won’t expire

This newsletter comes from the hosts of The Marketing Architects, a research-first show answering your biggest marketing questions. Find us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts!


Ever wonder why some marketing principles stand the test of time? This week, we're chatting with Gusto CMO Jason Ing to explore the timeless truths that drive marketing success. 



90% of B2B buyers purchase from their initial vendor shortlist.     

This finding from a Bain & Co study emphasizes the importance of brand awareness and consideration in B2B marketing. Getting on that shortlist is a must.          


Some marketing advice never goes out of style.       

Some things never change. Yes, even in marketing. That's what we learned from our chat with Jason Ing, CMO at Gusto. Jason shared three golden rules he's been following since his days at P&G: 

  1. Customer centricity is king. Dive deep into your customers' world, understanding their pain points and perceptions. This is the foundation of all great marketing.

  2. Strategy boils down to answering three questions. Who is your target audience? What's your unique value proposition? How will you reach them? This simple framework keeps you focused on what truly matters.  

  3. Never underestimate buying psychology. Mental and physical availability, along with emotional connections, drive purchasing decisions in both B2B and B2C markets

Here's the kicker—these rules work whether you're selling soap or software. Sure, B2B might have longer sales cycles and more people involved in saying "yes," but you're still talking to humans. The fundamentals of effective marketing remain consistent. 

The bottom line? Marketing will continue to change, but some principles never go out of style. Master them, and you'll be ready for whatever the industry throws at you next. 

Listen in on our discussion.


“Thinking, Fast and Slow”     

Jason highlights this book by Daniel Kahneman which dives deep into the psychology behind decision-making, offering insights for marketers looking to understand how customers choose.  

Read the book. 



There’s nothing as timeless as the importance of learning.                    

Staying humble and curious is really, really important. We live in a world of change, and there's always something to learn from even the most unlikely sources and people." 

— Jason Ing, CMO at Gusto